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How Can I Get a Divorce if My Spouse Lives in Another State?

Divorce Attorney Florida

Relocating after separating is not uncommon. However, getting a divorce when spouses no longer live in the same state makes it more complicated. Going through a divorce is almost always a complicated process. There are often many challenging hurdles to overcome. In some circumstances, a couple has separated and moved their separate ways but hasn’t … Read more

What Does Modification Mean In a Divorce?

What Does Modification Mean in a Divorce

If you have questions about your divorce orders or need modifications, contact a Pinellas Family Lawyer to request a free law consultation. Even though your divorce is final, certain situations might allow you to change or adjust aspects of your divorce decree. For instance, if you experience a life-changing event, it may be necessary to … Read more

Best Attorney in Pinellas County

Pinellas Family Lawyer

The better question is: “Who is the best family law attorney for me? Everyone’s case is different and while you might be able to find the oldest, the most experienced, or the most popular family law attorney near you, that doesn’t necessarily mean . . .