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What Disqualifies You from Alimony in Florida?

Alimony Lawyer in Florida

For personalized assistance and more information on alimony and other family law matters, contact a Pinellas Family Lawyer today. Alimony, also known as spousal support, can be a critical component in divorce proceedings, ensuring that the lower-earning spouse can maintain a similar standard of living post-divorce. However, not everyone is eligible for alimony. Understanding the … Read more

Uncontested Divorce in Florida: Do You Still Need an Attorney?

Uncontested Divorce Attorney FL

Uncontested divorce offers a streamlined, more amicable option for couples looking to part ways. While the process may seem straightforward, the question arises: do you still need an attorney? Hiring a Florida uncontested divorce attorney can help you and your spouse ensure that you cover all your bases and that there are no delays in … Read more

New Florida Alimony Laws


NEW FLORIDA ALIMONY & PATERNITY LAWS Governor DeSantis signed into law SB 1416 on June 30th 2023. The changes to Florida law brought about by passing SB 1416 went into effect today, July 1, 2023.  The purpose of this blog is to summarize some of the biggest changes under the new Florida law. SB 1416 … Read more

Is it Time to Modify Your Alimony Payment?

adjust alimony payment

Did you know that, under Florida law, it may be possible to modify or even terminate your alimony payments under certain conditions? For many Floridians who have experienced divorce, alimony payments are a routine part of life. The court-ordered provision, aimed at providing financial support to the lesser-earning spouse after the dissolution of marriage, can … Read more

Understanding the Different Stages of Divorce

What are the Stages of Divorce

While each situation is unique, an individual will undergo five distinct phases during a divorce. When a couple gets married, they vow to love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. Most people enter marriage only after giving much thought and consideration to the matter. Therefore, when one or both of … Read more

Reasons You Need a Lawyer for an Uncontested Custody Case

Uncontested Divorce Attorney Florida

There are still many laws that apply to uncontested custody cases. Professional legal knowledge is necessary to address many issues that can arise when entering a parenting plan agreement. If you and your ex can agree on matters regarding custody, you will significantly reduce your emotional strain and financial costs. In addition, your case will … Read more