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The Importance of Scheduling Your Time

Weekly planner for attorney

Time is the most precious resource any of us have.  Yet, sometimes it seems to completely elude us leaving us wondering where the time went.  When I started my family law practice at the beginning of this year it was easy to keep everything I wanted to do in my head. I scheduled specific times … Read more

The Human Element

Human element of law

I often advise my clients as to what course of action they should take regarding their legal issues. Clients naturally want to know what the outcome will be when the case is over and the dust has settled. It can be difficult to explain that while I may have a good idea of how things should turn out in the end, the fact is…

The Decision to Take a Case

drafting legal documents

As a sole practitioner, it may be tempting to take every case that comes across your desk. However, whether or not to take a case is a big decision and many different factors go into making that decision. This begs the question, “What should I consider before taking a new case?” Below are a few factors that I recommend considering when making such a decision.