Here are some of the most common divorce mistakes people make and tips on avoiding them.
Going through a divorce is an emotionally and mentally draining process. Stress and anxiety can cause some to take actions that prolong and complicate their divorce proceedings. This can make their situation even more challenging.
At Pinellas Family Lawyer, we understand how challenging divorce can be, so we offer our clients superior legal representation in a confidential setting. This includes helping our clients make good decisions throughout the entire divorce process.

Here are some of the most common divorce mistakes people make and tips on how to avoid them.
Refusing to Negotiate or Compromise
Negotiating and compromising are part of every divorce. Failing to negotiate or compromise are two of the biggest mistakes many make during divorce. It often leads to time-consuming and costly litigation. Even in the most contentious situations, negotiation is always an option. When both parties are willing to communicate, negotiate, and compromise, they can resolve their issues without going to court.
However, when one party refuses to negotiate or tries to force their spouse into a settlement, the divorce will be much more complex. Instead of settling together, a judge gets involved in the case and decides their fate. This generally doesn’t work out in favor of either party and makes the situation much more complicated.
Dragging Out the Divorce
This sometimes happens when one spouse wants to “get even with” the other. Or one partner stalls the divorce in hopes the petitioning party will change their mind and call off the divorce. It’s understandable why some might feel this way, but it hurts both parties and makes the entire process much longer and more costly than necessary.
If you have feelings like this, it’s necessary to remember that divorcing your spouse won’t fix all of your problems, but punishing them will only end up hurting you in the long run. If you feel angry or hurt, try communicating with them rather than using this tactic. Also, talk to your lawyer about how to move forward successfully. Since the process is already emotionally challenging, avoid making it any worse.
Failing to Plan for the Future
Life after divorce is complicated, to say the least. As a single person, you’ll only have one income and may be entirely responsible for yourself and your children. Therefore, don’t fail to plan for the future. You’ll need to revise your budget and ensure you have enough income to cover your living expenses.
Attempting to Divorce on Your Own
No matter what you hear on TV or see on social media, divorce is a complex process. Don’t try to get an online divorce or settle on your own without an attorney on your side. There are many things you’re likely not aware of. Without an attorney’s direction and advice, you can easily make costly and potentially damaging mistakes.
Contact Pinellas Family Lawyer
In matters of family law, our firm understands that resolving your issues by means of an uncontested divorce generally yields the best results for both parties. Ending a marriage is never an easy process. But the process is a little easier when a couple has the right circumstances for an uncontested divorce.