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What Disqualifies You from Alimony in Florida?


For personalized assistance and more information on alimony and other family law matters, contact a Pinellas Family Lawyer today.

Alimony, also known as spousal support, can be a critical component in divorce proceedings, ensuring that the lower-earning spouse can maintain a similar standard of living post-divorce. However, not everyone is eligible for alimony. Understanding the factors that can disqualify you from receiving alimony can help you navigate the divorce process more effectively.

1. Short Duration of Marriage

In Florida, the length of the marriage plays a significant role in determining alimony eligibility. Marriages are categorized as:

  • Short-term: Less than ten years
  • Moderate-term: Ten to twenty years
  • Long-term: Twenty years or more

Short-term marriages are less likely to result in alimony awards. While it’s not impossible, the burden of proof is higher, and the duration and amount of alimony are typically lower than longer marriages.

2. Self-Sufficiency

If the spouse seeking alimony is capable of self-sufficiency, they may be disqualified from receiving alimony. Self-sufficiency means the ability to meet one’s financial needs independently, without support from the other spouse. Factors considered include:

  • Employment history and earning capacity
  • Education and skills
  • Age and physical condition

If the court determines that the spouse seeking alimony can support themselves through employment or other means, alimony may be denied.

3. Adultery and Misconduct

While Florida is a no-fault divorce state, meaning you don’t need to prove wrongdoing to get a divorce, marital misconduct like adultery can impact alimony decisions. If the court finds that marital misconduct financially impacted the marriage, it may affect the alimony award. For instance, if a spouse’s affair led to significant financial waste, it could reduce or disqualify their alimony claim.

4. Significant Assets and Income

A spouse with significant assets and income may be disqualified from receiving alimony. If the spouse seeking support has substantial savings, investments, or other income sources, the court may determine they do not need financial assistance from their ex-spouse.

5. Refusal to Work

A spouse who refuses to seek employment or intentionally remains underemployed may be disqualified from receiving alimony. The court expects both parties to make reasonable efforts to become self-sufficient. If it is evident that one spouse is deliberately avoiding work to gain alimony, the court may deny their request.

6. Remarriage or Cohabitation

Alimony obligations typically end if the recipient’s spouse remarries. However, alimony can be modified or terminated in Florida if the recipient is in a supportive, cohabitating relationship. The court will consider factors such as shared expenses, length of the relationship, and whether the couple presents as a married couple.

7. Waiver of Alimony Rights

In some cases, spouses may waive their right to alimony through a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. If properly executed and fair at the time of signing, Florida courts generally uphold these agreements. If a spouse has waived their right to alimony in such an agreement, they will be disqualified from receiving it.

How a Pinellas Family Lawyer Can Help

Navigating alimony in Florida can be complex, with many factors influencing eligibility and disqualification. Understanding these factors can help you better prepare for divorce and set realistic expectations. If you are facing divorce and have concerns about alimony, contact Pinellas Family Lawyer today. Our dedicated team is here to help you through every step of the divorce process.


Call us today if you are contemplating divorce, have already been served with dissolution paperwork, or need help settling paternity or child custody disputes.

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